Browse our museum gallery and lay your eyes on historic, one-of-a-kind artifacts and displays! From items used by the legendary Babe Ruth to lifelike sculptures of some of the best to ever play, there’s no shortage of history to witness in our museum gallery. Check out some of our most popular items below for a glimpse at the iconic displays you’ll find on your visit!
Explore Rare Artifacts
Witness the history of the game spinning in a new light:
“The artifacts are top-notch!”
Treasures from "The Great Bambino"
Slide Back in Time

Hold a Piece of History
Truth be told, our curator was a little freaked out when we decided to let guests hold bats that were actually used by the greatest players in the game. We’re talkin’ legends like Babe Ruth, Johnny Bench, David Ortiz, Derek Jeter, and many more past and present heroes.
These are genuine artifacts — real pieces of history; and, yes, you get to hold them!
We pioneered this hands-on approach to sharing a museum collection with our "Hold a Piece of History" exhibit. The experience proved so popular, we now have at least one bat from every major league team; including your favorite.
The Best Black Baseball Team (You've Never Heard Of)
Catch Lost Legends

In 2018, we acquired two photographs depicting players posing in action shots on a baseball field. Information that came with the photos suggested they were of the Louisville White Sox, a Negro Leagues team from 1931. However, when our curator, Bailey Mazik, dug deeper, what she discovered changed everything. Check out this engaging exhibit; and uncover a lost Louisville baseball team from 1908!

Lifelike Sculptures
Our lifelike sculptures salute some of baseball’s best! Stand with legends of the game including Ken Griffey Jr., Derek Jeter, Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Jackie Robinson, Roberto Clemente, and Hank Aaron.
Discover brilliant artifacts about your favorite players alongside each sculpture. Snap some photos next to an exciting backdrop. We’ve designed an experience set to immerse you in the adrenaline of the game you love. Strike a pose fit for a star and capture a memory that will last a lifetime!

Feel the Heat
Hitting a baseball is one of the hardest things to do in all of sports! Major Leaguers typically only have around .25 seconds to react to a 90 MPH fastball. Think you’ve got what it takes? Step up and see a 90 MPH fastball in action!

Babe Ruth's Notch Bat
Look at the Louisville Slugger logo from The Bambino’s bat, pictured above. See the notches along the top? Babe Ruth carved those: one notch for every home run. In 1927, Babe used – and notched – this Louisville Slugger bat for 21 of his record-setting 60 home runs that year.
Joe DiMaggio's Untouchable Record
The 56-Game Hitting Streak Bat

Joltin’ Joe wielded three bats during his epic hitting streak in 1941. This bat is the third one; the one he used to set a record that might never be broken. As you stand before it, imagine The Yankee Clipper’s grip on the handle as he sized up each pitch, looking for his next hit.

Hank Aaron's 700th Home Run Bat
A targeted death threat (over this very milestone home run) did not deter Hammerin’ Hank from pounding his 700th homer with this bat in 1973. He’d go on to break Ruth’s career home run record; ending with 755 total. Swinging Louisville Slugger bats, Hammerin’ Hank smashed record-breaking home runs. We’re honored he gifted #700 to us; and we’re thrilled to share it with you.

Hand-Turning & Burn-Branding Demonstrations
Step back in time for a hand-turning demonstration, and witness how we made bats by hand for over 100 years! Next, smell the wood burning as we demonstrate how we burn-brand our iconic logo into our bats. These two iconic demonstrations run every day at the museum.