Jackie Robinson: Game Changer
Grades 3-7
Suggested Time: 20 Minutes
Our professional Barnstormer will perform as Jackie Robinson to talk about his one season in the minor leagues through his break into Major League Baseball.

Roberto Clemente: Born to Play Baseball
Grades 3-7
Suggested Time: 20 Minutes
Our professional Barnstormer will perform as Roberto Clemente to discuss his path to becoming the first Latin American baseball superstar.

Batting .400: The Mathematics of Baseball
Grades 3-7
Suggested Time: 20 Minutes
Learn how to calculate batting averages using real world statistics as well as some of the math used everyday in our factory to make Louisville Slugger bats.
Academic Standard: KY.4.0A.3

Casey at The Big Bat
Grades 5-7
Suggested Time: 20 Minutes
Our professional Barnstormer performs Ernest Thayer's classic 1888 poem with a discussion about theme, figurative language and more.
Academic Standards: KY.RL.7.2, KY.RL.6.2, KY.L.5.5, KY.L.6.5
Book Your School Group
Group Rates
$11 Students
$19 Adults
$18 Seniors
Includes tour, mini bat, education module & museum. One complimentary chaperone per 10 students.
**Driver and escort receive free admission with motor coach groups**
To book your group tour, you can also contact us at (502)588-7227 or email us at groupsales@sluggermuseum.com.